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my people

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

I enjoyed the Twilight series enough and own the books, I've seen the movies and absolutely LOVE The Host. I'd say I'm a Stephenie Meyer fan. I've read Midnight Sun on her website and really enjoyed that as an addition to Twilight. But this book I probably could have done without paying money for. I'm very glad that Stephenie made the decision to offer it for free online.

This is a Novella written about the young vampire that is killed in the end of the large battle in Eclipse. When Carlisle is going to spare her life but the Volturi come in and execute her anyway because they can't let her go. This tells of the last days of her very short vampire life. Follow her around and meet some of the other newborns. See how newborns feed and how they were assembled. Yada, yada, yada...

If you are truly a TwiHard Fan and HAVE to own every single book in the series... you wouldn't be reading reviews to decide if you wanted to buy it, you'd already own it, finished reading it and have it on your bookshelf in between Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. For the rest of us out there, through July you can read this in its entirity on the internet for free. You can't print it so you'll be stuck to your laptop for a couple of hours, but it's worth saving the $7 IMHO. Go to or click on the title of this post and it will take you there to read it for free.

I found it to be a waste of time as I could have imagined the things that went on all by myself without reading the book. But go ahead and read it for free and decide for yourself. You can always buy a copy of it after if you find that you really like it. I wish I would have read it for free first, I wouldn't have spent the money.

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