I will preface this blog post with a statement that anything in here is my personal experience and my belief of what happened. I am in no way giving advice on what you should do for your own children. Please know that I firmly believe that God gave us all the free will and ability to think for ourselves and make decisions on our own behalf. I am in NO WAY stating that Autism is caused by vaccinations. This blog is NOT about autism and vaccines, it's about bringing light to the fact that kids are being hurt by them… my kid was hurt by them. I have 2 children that are fully vaccinated and 2 that are not and will remain that way, here is the story of why.
I had always felt that vaccinations were helpful but that putting them into a tiny little newborn body can't be good for their little brains. We made the educated choice to delay vaccination until our kids' 5th birthday. Did you know that by waiting to begin you cut the number of shots they receive in HALF! That's right. They get 39 shots in their childhood by following the CDC schedule from birth. They get 19 if you start at school age. That's quite a difference! And that is IF you choose to get all of the shots including the controversial new HPV shot, Gardisil. (please, this is the only one I will ask you to read heavily into before allowing)
Education on something you're allowing to be injected into your tiny little people is so very important. You have the right to refuse them, you have the right to wait until you are ready and you think your child is ready. You also have the right to receive them as planned and scheduled with no judgement from me and that's the beauty of free will!
Ok, enough of that and on to my personal story. This all started in 2010 with my third child that just turned 5 and as done with his sister before him we started slowly getting his vaccinations so he would be ready for Kindergarten. We had his 5 yr well child and talked to the Peds Dr about which would be the most beneficial to start with as we were going slow. Of course… MMR came up along with Dtap and Varicella. We chose to start with Dtap and Varicella. Completely uneventful, went home with no issues and remained that way for a month. We went back and requested only the MMR this time, only we wouldn't be so lucky after going home. By the next morning he spiked a fever, was lethargic on the couch and was vomitting. He didn't want to stand up or move at all. He would have a couple of really bad days followed by a couple of tolerable ones. He wouldn't play or run around but he would sit up and be active within the house. Then it would return for a few days. This lasted for a MONTH. The doctor said he was probably already getting sick and it was a coincidence. 3 weeks into it we tried to push him to get outside and rejoin his baseball team at practice, only to have him throw up on the field due to the exertion and end up back on the couch for days.
Not wanting to assume that it was the shot, at the time, we listened to the doctor and 4 months later went back for another one. Not an MMR this time, just the next Dtap… but guess what, the damage was already done and he ended up just as sick that same evening and was sick for over 2 weeks this time. Now I am convinced. It's not my child, it's the shots. I filed a report with the vaccine injury program so it would be reported, I think far too many go unreported so their statistics are horribly flawed. His Peds Dr listened this time. After months of swollen nodes, unexplained symptoms and positive tests for both mono and strep (simultaneously, which is dangerous), she decided to do a complete workup. He was tested for everything including auto-immune disorders. The only thing that has not been done is a full allergy panel but we moved to a new base before she could order that. Everything came back normal. There was nothing "wrong" with my child. Not a single thing to explain what happened except that his body did not accept the vaccinations.
After the immunizations my extremely healthy 5 year old was now sick all the time. Strep throat twice, Mono, allergies that never existed before. I talked to a great friend of mine that helped heal all 3 of her children from toxicity issues and she told me about Juice Plus, a product that is fruits and vegetables made into capsules or chews. They have 19 fruits and veggies that deliver nutrition with a hard punch and allow our bodies to do what they are meant to do, heal themselves. Real health care! I immediately got him on these chews (and they taste pretty darn fantastic!!) as well as making slow and steady alterations to his diet. Removing things like HFCS and heavily processed foods. Reducing his sugar intake and slowly changing his palate.
After 1 year of daily Juice plus and diet change the allergies were gone again. No more thick snot running down his face and stuffy head/ears. After 2 years he was finally going back to his normal healthy self with an immune system that could defend itself. He's now almost 9 years old and is just like my other kids as far as health goes. He gets sick just like them, rarely, but also gets over it in the normal course just like them. I'm very thankful for friends that share their information and want to help and I'm very thankful that she was slightly forceful in her earlier messages to me, imploring that these steps would help him and I could make my child well again. I'm writing this now so others know that there really are options.
I now have a 4th child that just turned 5 and, as with the others, my husband and I sat down and discussed the pros and cons of doing the shots as always. In our minds it is now a gamble. Will our youngest be like his sisters and have an immune system that can withstand and still thrive the impact of the vaccinations, or will he be like his brother and take us down another road of regret? The questions and worry are there once again, especially with Kindergarten hanging over our heads. I'm leaning towards skipping them all but we may opt to do a few. Dtap is one that has been on my mind as a dear friend has been struggling for months with whooping cough in her youngest. But do I want to make a decision out of fear knowing that vaccinated children still get whooping cough, too? Much prayer and thought will go into our decision but the wonderful thing is… it's our decision. I'm thankful that I still have the right (at this point) to decline these shots until I feel comfortable with it.
If you want more information on Juice Plus I can put you in contact with someone that will help you. If you want information on Essential oils and natural ways to heal and help your family you can ask me. I am now a firm believer in the human body's ability to take care of itself in most cases (I still go to doctors for check ups and serious issues). I will be writing a blog in the next week about oils and how they have helped us with so many things from anxiety/depression to ADHD to ear infections. They do it all!
If you want information on recovering your children from toxicity (not just talking about shots here) please leave a message below! There are people that can help you and there are ways to help your child. It takes time and, yes, it takes money but it could change a life.
Thanks for reading my blog post, please don't leave any hateful messages as the meaning of my writing is not out of hate or judgement, we all can have our own opinions and I respect yours, please respect mine.
I will just share links here since I have had people wanting to know…
Here is a link to check out and order Juice Plus for your family. It comes in a 4 month supply but is divided up into monthly payments… only about $25/mo for a child's dose and $45 for an adult's so very not bad!!
Here is a link to check out essential oils. One is to see which oil you would use for different conditions and the other is my doTerra page.
dÅTERRA store
my people

Saturday, January 11, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
Let's give this another try...
It has clearly been a long time since I blogged on my personal blogsite. Just a couple weeks shy of 2 years to be exact. Well… 2014 is a new year and a great time to jump back into something I love to do, write and share our experiences. I'm shifting gears in my photography business this year and going from shooting for clients to shooting for myself. I have some personal projects in my head that I want to see come to fruition and I also have 4 children that have been greatly neglected these past 2 years, well, neglected by my camera anyway! I always forget to take pictures of them just doing everyday things… which leads me into my next venture for this year...
**I will be teaching Mom-tographer classes!!**
Moms that bought or were gifted nice new DSLR cameras that don't have the slightest clue of what to do with them besides keeping it on auto and pushing the button. I hope to hold the first class in April with details coming out very soon.
I'm really looking forward to sharing my passion for photography, food and books as well as sharing parts of our life with all of you. Sit back, relax and let's take on 2014 together!
To start things off, I've taken up juicing. I don't juice every meal, but I try to drink one per day and love the way it makes me feel… more energy and I also don't crave junk nearly as much. A basic juice for me would include a large cucumber, 3-4 large handfuls of spinach, an apple, a handful of whatever berries I have in the fridge or an orange and a couple of carrots. For added zip I may add a small chunk of ginger or add a few drops of an essential oil to my mug.
Thanks for checking out my blog and I look forward to sharing more. Feel free to leave me a message, share your juice ingredients or ask a question!
**I will be teaching Mom-tographer classes!!**
Moms that bought or were gifted nice new DSLR cameras that don't have the slightest clue of what to do with them besides keeping it on auto and pushing the button. I hope to hold the first class in April with details coming out very soon.
I'm really looking forward to sharing my passion for photography, food and books as well as sharing parts of our life with all of you. Sit back, relax and let's take on 2014 together!
To start things off, I've taken up juicing. I don't juice every meal, but I try to drink one per day and love the way it makes me feel… more energy and I also don't crave junk nearly as much. A basic juice for me would include a large cucumber, 3-4 large handfuls of spinach, an apple, a handful of whatever berries I have in the fridge or an orange and a couple of carrots. For added zip I may add a small chunk of ginger or add a few drops of an essential oil to my mug.
Thanks for checking out my blog and I look forward to sharing more. Feel free to leave me a message, share your juice ingredients or ask a question!
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